GNSS Benefits:

Enhances Battery Life and Accuracy


The battery life of a GPS/GNSS receiver is predominated by the speed of “The Time To First Position Fix, or TTFF”, which is the most high-power process.  Each time the GPS is power on, the TTFF process consumes 5 to 10 times the power that is typically used for navigation. The faster the TTFF, the less energy is wasted in digital processing.

Unfortunately, the TTFF is typically slow under real-world weak signal conditions. One or two minutes is commonplace, and sometimes even longer. In the video, one of the GPS watches was modified to include a TransSiP PI enabled power supply - making this watch significantly faster in TTFF than its counterpart.

Consequently, the TransSiP PI makes the GPS sports watch 5X more in battery life possible.

Revolutionizing the world - enabled the first-ever GPS Sports Watch that runs completely on energy harvesting.


The GPS/GNSS positioning is 10x more accurate.

TransSiP PI enabled 10 times higher in GPS sports watches positioning accuracy
ublox acclaimed TransSiP PI technology